2024-25 Meeting Documents
School Governance Council Meeting Documents
Each meeting of the School Governance Council typically generates three public documents: an agenda; a brief summary of action items that occurred during the meeting; and a detailed set of meeting minutes. We will display these documents on our website for the current school year, along with those from the previous year. If you need to view older documents, please contact our School Governance & Flexibility Department at schoolgovernance@fultonschools.org.
- August 2024
- September 2024
- October 2024
- November 2024
- December 2024
- January 2025
- February 2025
- March 2025
- April 2025
- May 2025
August 2024
River Trail Middle School Governance Council
Date | time 08/13/2024 | 7:15am | Location Counseling Conference Room (CCR)
SGC Members
Ms. Kelly Monroe, Appointed Staff | Mr. Sunny Patel, Community Member | Ms. Yingchun Wang, Parent | Ms. Yangqian Shao, Parent | Ms. Grace Hernandez, Teacher |Mr. Neil Pinnock, Principal | | Mr. Brett Herrick, Parent | Ms. Alexander Schessler, Teacher | Ms. Amy Palermo, Appointed Staff | TBD, Community Member
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:15am |
Call to Order |
Mr. Pinnock |
7:17am |
Action Item: Approve Agenda |
Mr. Pinnock |
7:20am 7:25am |
Action Item: Approve May Meeting Minutes Discussion Item: Member Introductions |
Mr. Pinnock All Members |
7:30am |
Action Item: Vote for Community Member |
All Members |
7:35am |
Action Items: Elect New Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian) |
Mr. Pinnock |
7:45am |
Action Items: Staff Standing Committees (Budget and Finance, Outreach and Communication, Principal Selection) |
Elected Chair |
8:00am |
Discussion Item: Nominate Representative for Superintendent’s Parent/Community Advisory Council |
Elected Chair |
8:05am 8:20am |
Discussion Item: Determine Meeting Schedule for SY24-25 Discussion Item: Strategic Planning |
All Members Mr. Pinnock |
8:40am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update A. School Start Update B. Shifts in District Policy or School Practices C. Calendar of Upcoming School Events |
Mr. Pinnock |
8:55am 9:00am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda Meeting Adjournment |
Elected Chair Elected Chair |
Meeting Norms
Silence All Technology | Start on Time | Stick to the Agenda | Follow Robert’s Rules of Order |
SGC Action Summary
Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:20 am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Shao, Mr. Patel, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Palermo
Action Item: Approve Agenda 7:21 am Action Item: Approve Agenda – Pinnock
Action Item: Approve May Meeting Minutes 7:21 am Action Item: Approve May Meeting Minutes - Pinnock
7:22 am Action Item: Vote for New Community Member Ms. Monroe motioned to approve the member, Mr. Patel seconded. Mr. Parham was unanimously elected to the committee.
7:25 am Action Item: Elect New Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian) A nomination for Alex Schoessler for vice chair was put forth. Mr. Patel motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. Ms. Schoessler was unanimously approved as Vice Chair. A nomination for Grace Hernandez for parliamentarian was put forth, Ms. Shao motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. Ms. Hernandez was unanimously approved as parliamentarian.
7:29 am Action Item: Staff Standing Committees (Budget and Finance, Outreach and Communications, Principal Selection)
Ms. Palermo motioned to approved the nominations, Mr. Parham seconded. The committees were unanimously approved.
8:01 am Meeting Adjournment Mr. Patel motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Parham seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02. |
August 13, 2024 SGC Meeting
7:15 AM in the CCR
The meeting was called to order at 7: am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Shao, Mr. Patel, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Palermo
SGC members not in attendance: Mr. Herrick, Ms. Wang
7:20 am Call to Order - Pinnock
Mr. Pinnock called the meeting to order at 7:20.
7:21 am Action Item: Approve Agenda – Pinnock
Mr. Pinnock asked for any amendments to the agenda. Ms. Monroe motioned to approve, Mr. Patel seconded. The agenda was approved.
7:21 am Action Item: Approve May Meeting Minutes - Pinnock
Ms. Monroe motioned to approve the minutes, Ms. Hernandez seconded. The May minutes were unanimously approved.
7:21 am Discussion Item: Member Introductions - All
All members in attendance introduced themselves with how long they’ve been at River Trail and their role in the school community.
7:22 am Action Item: Vote for New Community Member
Mr. Kirk Parham currently works for Northview High School. He was a coach for soccer and basketball and department chair for Special Ed. Ms. Monroe motioned to approve the member, Mr. Patel seconded. Mr. Parham was unanimously elected to the committee.
7:25 am Action Item: Elect New Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian)
We have three council positions currently open. The chair runs the meetings, puts together the agendas. The vice chair will stand in for the chair in the event of their absence. The parliamentarian
A nomination for Amy Palermo for chair was put forth. Ms. Hernandez motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. Ms. Palermo was unanimously approved as Chair.
A nomination for Alex Schoessler for vice chair was put forth. Mr. Patel motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. Ms. Schoessler was unanimously approved as Vice Chair.
A nomination for Grace Hernandez for parliamentarian was put forth, Ms. Shao motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. Ms. Hernandez was unanimously approved as parliamentarian.
7:29 am Action Item: Staff Standing Committees (Budget and Finance, Outreach and Communications, Principal Selection)
Budget and Finance committee work with the budget of school through charter dollars. Kelly Monroe would like to serve on the committee as chair. Sunny Patel, Cheryl Shao, Neil Pinnock,
Outreach and Communications works with business partners, stakeholders, etc. Grace Hernandez would like to serve on the committee as chair. Alex Schoessler, Kirk Parham, Brett Herick, Yingchun Wang will serve as members.
Principal’s Selection Committee works to elect a new principal in the event of a vacancy. Ms. Palermo will serve as chair with Sunny Patel, Cheryl Shao, and Alex Schoessler working together.
Ms. Palermo motioned to approved the nominations, Mr. Parham seconded. The committees were unanimously approved.
7:37 am Discussion Item: Nominate Representative for Superintendent’s Parent/Community Advisory Council
Mr. Brett Herrick is River Trail’s representative for Superintendent’s Parent/Community Advisory Council.
7:38 am Discussion Item: Determine Meeting Schedule for SY24-25
The teams discussed a potential meeting time of 7:30. After looking at calendars, the following dates were determined:
September 18
October 9
November 13
December 18
January 15
February 19
March 26
April 16
May 14
June 11
The team will meet at 7:30 on these dates. Any changes will be discussed at further meetings.
7:49 am Discussion Item: Strategic Planning
A timeline was sent out to the schools of a school strategic action plan. There are 7 goals – enhanced performance, curriculum and impactful resources, community connections to name a few. Ms. Godbole is collecting data to bring to leadership and to SGC in September. In October, we will vote to approve the strategic plan for the school.
7:52 am Informational Item: Principal’s Update
A. School Start Update
Our school projection was 1115, we are currently at 1095. We are fully staffed. We have one vacancy, our CSA. They have been “hired” by the district but they are currently going through training. When they are official, we will announce.
B. Shifts in District Policy or School Practices
The district is making a shift from TEAMS to Canvas.
Teachers will be sending emails at the beginning of each unit.
Early check-ins/checkouts will be handled by writing a note, bringing it to the office, and the front office will write them a pass.
A new code of conduct has been pushed out from the district. Mr. Pinnock encouraged everyone to read it.
Mr. Pinnock shared his vision that he wants everyone at RTMS to feel involved and connected outside of the classroom
C. Calendar of Upcoming School Events
August 22, 27, 28th are currently our curriculum nights.
We have a 3 day weekend coming up with Labor Day.
7:57 am Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda
Mr. Pinnock asked to add an update from the Superintendent’s Advisory Council meeting.
Mr. Pinnock also asked to add the strategic action plan to the agenda.
Principal’s update will also be added.
Mr. Patel asked to discuss the self-assessment results.
Ms. Pinnock asked that we review the meeting norms since we did not discuss at this meeting.
Mr. Pinnock will get with Ms. Roberson to update the website with the new members and new roles.
8:01 am Meeting Adjournment
Mr. Patel motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mr. Parham seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02.
September 2024
AGENDA 9.18.2024
Ms. Kelly Monroe, Appointed Staff | Mr. Sunny Patel, Community Member | Ms. Yingchun Wang, Parent | Ms. Yangqian Shao, Parent | Ms. Grace Hernandez, Teacher |Mr. Neil Pinnock, Principal | | Mr. Brett Herrick, Parent | Ms. Alexander Schessler, Teacher | Ms. Amy Palermo, Appointed Staff | TBD, Community Member
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:30am |
Call to Order |
Ms. Palermo |
7:31am |
Action Item: Approve September Agenda |
Ms. Palermo |
7:33am 7:35am |
Action Item: Approve August Meeting Minutes Discussion Item: Meeting Norms |
Ms. Palermo All Members |
7:38am |
Discussion Item: Cross Council Volunteers |
Ms. Palermo |
7:40am |
Discussion Items: Strategic Planning |
Ms. Godbole
7:55am |
Discussion Item: Review self-assessment results |
Mr. Pinnock |
8:05am |
Informational Item: Charter Funds |
Ms. Palermo |
8:20am |
Action Item: Approve Charter Funds Process |
Ms. Palermo |
8:22am |
Informational Item: Fulton County Calendar Committee Update |
Mr. Herrick |
8:27am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update
Mr. Pinnock |
8:37am 8:40am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda Meeting Adjournment |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
Meeting Norms
Silence All Technology | Start on Time | Stick to the Agenda | Follow Robert’s Rules of Order |
Work for the Good of All Students |
Date: 9/18/24 Time: 7:30am Location: CCR
SGC Action Summary River Trail Middle School
SGC Members: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Wang, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Shao
Not in Attendance: Mr. Herrick, Mr. Patel
Action Items Approved: Approve Agenda, approve minutes, charter funds process,
Discussion Items: Meeting norms, cross council volunteers, strategic plan, self- assessment results, draft next meeting agenda
Information Items: Charter Funds, Principal’s Update
September 18, 2024 SGC Meeting
7:15 AM in the CCR
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Wang, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Shao
SGC members not in attendance: Mr. Herrick, Mr. Patel
7:30 am Call to Order - Palermo
Ms. Palermo called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM.
7:31 am Action Item: Approve September Agenda
Ms. Hernandez motioned to approve, Ms. Monroe seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
7:31 am Action Item: Approve August Meeting Minutes - Palermo
Ms. Monroe motioned to approve the minutes, Ms. Hernandez seconded. The August minutes were unanimously approved.
7:32 am Discussion Item: Meeting Norms – All Members
All members in attendance discussed the meeting norms for our meetings.
7:33 am Discussion Item: Cross Council Volunteers – Ms. Palermo
Our team discussed who will attend the meetings for cross council. Ms. Schoessler has volunteered to attend the meeting at 10/10 at 9.
7:36 am Discussion Item: Strategic Plan – Ms. Godbole
Ms. Godbole came to our meeting to present the strategic plan for our school. The district gave us a metric board to use for our data choices. We looked at our data for our school and we chose the following metrics:
1. Milestones proficiency for ELA – Increase the percentage of all students scoring proficient and distinguished on the GA Milestones from 81.7 to 83%.
2. ISS and OSS – decrease number of office referrals from 313 to 285.
3. SEC Proficiency ELA – Increase percent of students with disabilities scoring proficient or distinguished on Milestones ELA from 42.1 to 43%.
4. Employee satisfaction – Increase percent of staff who would recommend this school as a place to work to a friend or colleague from 66 to 70%
5. Charter dollar expenditure – increase the percent of charter dollar expenditure to 100%.
6. Student attendance – decrease the percent of students absent 10% or more days enrolled from 4.4 to 4%.
These metrics will go for vote in October. It will then be sent for approval for the Zone 6 Superintendent and shared with staff at the end of October.
7:51 am Discussion Item: Review Self-Assessment Results – Mr. Pinnock
After reviewing the results, it seems that our SGC is very aligned with the strategic plan. We work for the good of all students and our school.
7:55 am Informational Item: Charter Funds – Ms. Palermo
$46,391 - Ms. Palermo informed us of the template for the SGC application. All applicants need to go through Amy Palermo before submitting to Nancy Yeo. They cannot go to Nancy first, as the SGC must approve. The application is ready for distribution.
8:05 am Action Item: Approve Charter Funds Process – Ms. Palermo
The team discussed how we would like for staff members to submit their charter dollars applications. We discussed keeping a SGC application outside of each AP office for easy access for staff members. We also discussed adding the amount of staff members involved with the applications. A motion to approve with the upcoming changes was put by Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Shao seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
8:14 am Informational Item: Fulton County Calendar Committee Update – Mr. Herrick
Mr. Herrick was not in attendance for the meeting for an update.
8:15 am Informational Item: Principal’s Update
a. French –
We lost a French teacher to a school with a higher need due to low enrollment numbers in foreign language.
b. CSA and Officer
Our school is now fully staffed with a CSA and Officer Johnson has returned full time.
c. PBIS Color Battle
We have a fundraiser coming up for PBIS. The money should last 5-6 years.
d. School Board Meeting
One of our students created a poster for school safety week. She was recognized by the board of Fulton county and won second place nationally.
8:19 am Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda
Our next meeting is October 29th. The following were discussed:
a. Mr. Herrick’s update
b. Approve charter funds applications
c. Strategic plan update
d. Principal’s update
e. Cross council update
8:21 am Meeting Adjournment
Ms. Palermo adjourned the meeting at 8:21.
October 2024
Agenda 10.9.2024
Ms. Kelly Monroe, Appointed Staff | Mr. Sunny Patel, Community Member | Ms. Yingchun Wang, Parent | Ms. Yangqian Shao, Parent | Ms. Grace Hernandez, Teacher |Mr. Neil Pinnock, Principal | | Mr. Brett Herrick, Parent | Ms. Alexander Schessler, Teacher | Ms. Amy Palermo, Appointed Staff | Mr. Parham, Community Member
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:30am |
Call to Order |
Ms. Palermo |
7:31am |
Action Item: Approve October Agenda |
Ms. Palermo |
7:33am 7:35am |
Action Item: Approve September Meeting Minutes Action Item: Approval of Strategic Plan |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Godbole |
7:45am |
Action Item: Approve Charter Fund Dollar Applications |
Ms. Palermo |
8:20am |
Informational Item: Fulton County Committee Update |
Mr. Herrick |
8:25am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update
Mr. Pinnock |
8:35am 8:40am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda Meeting Adjournment |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
Meeting Norms: Silence All Technology, Start on Time, Stick to the Agenda, Follow Robert’s Rules of Order, Work for the Good of All Students
Upcoming Meetings: 11/13, 12/18, 1/15, 2/19, 3/26, 4/16, 5/14, 6/11
Date: 10/9/24 Time: 7:30am Location: CCR
SGC Action Summary River Trail Middle School
SGC Members: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Wang, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Shao, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Patel
Not in Attendance: none
Action Items Approved: approve strategic plan, Approve Agenda, approve minutes, charter funds applications
Discussion Items: draft next meeting agenda
Information Items: Principal’s Update
October 9, 2024 SGC Meeting
7:15 AM in the CCR
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Shao, Mr. Patel, Ms. Wang, Ms. Schoessler
SGC members not in attendance:
7:31 am Call to Order - Palermo
Ms. Palermo called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM.
7:31 am Action Item: Approve October Agenda
Mr. Pinnock asked to amend to add discussion of Northview Cluster Meeting and remove Mr. Herrick from the Fulton County Committee Update.
Ms. Hernandez motioned to approve, Mr. Herrick seconded. The agenda was approved.
7:34 am Action Item: Approve September Meeting Minutes - Palermo
Mr. Pinnock motioned to approve the minutes, Mr. Parham seconded. The September minutes were unanimously approved.
7:35 am Action Item: Approve Strategic Plan - Godbole
Ms. Godbole reminded us of the 6 goals we made as a school for the strategic action plan. The goals must be measurable. These goals were presented at the last meeting. A few edits were made to make the wording clear and concise. Mr. Herrick motioned to approve the strategic plan, Ms. Monroe seconded – the strategic plan was unanimously approved.
7:46 am Action Item: Approve Charter Dollar Funds – Palermo
The council received 23 applications as of 10/7 at 4 PM. The following is the result of the voting.
Title |
Cost |
Awarded |
Approved (yes/no) |
1.Calculators for Science – Amanda Singletary
1021.58 |
Full amount |
Yes |
2.The Midwest Clinic – Dr. Jennifer Compton
10,000.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
3.Whiteboard Tables – Austin McClinton
2447.72 |
Must resubmit for different amount |
No |
4.Flocabulary – Ben Martin
3090.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
5.Reptile and Amphibian Club – Amanda Singletary
900.00 |
Must resubmit |
No |
6.Digital Atomic Clocks for hallway – Staci Brown
250.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
7.Social Studies Conference – Dr. Kidd
3200.00 |
Must resubmit modifications, but full amount awarded |
Yes |
8.Book Study: PD Parent Collaboration – Dr. Kidd
720.00 |
Denied |
No |
9.RTMS 7th grade 2024 Yearbook – Alicia Adams
1500.11 |
Full amount |
Yes |
10.ESOL Department Scanners – Kelly Monroe/Nadya Crane
680.00 |
Half amount |
Yes |
11.6th grade Field trip to Tellus museum – Beth Main
26,000.00 |
Must resubmit with modifications |
No |
12.6th grade student grade level t-shirts – Amy Palermo
2284.50 |
Full amount |
Yes |
13.Costumes for the musical – Meghan Dimaggio
600.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
14. 7th grade student grade level t-shirts – Lisa Davenport
2410.50 |
Full amount |
Yes |
15. Lumoria Project – Grace Hernandez
555.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
16. Anxiety & Stress Management Specialist Training – Claire Dillard
99.00 |
Must resubmit with modifications, but triple amount awarded |
Yes |
17. Basketballs for Morning Intramurals – Russel Kirby
1162.12 |
Must resubmit with modifications |
No |
18. The Boy Who Dared Author Visit – Ashlee Dewald
4,000 or 2,000 |
Full amount |
Yes |
19. Pickleball Court Set for school use – Kelly Tetreault
544.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
20. Graphic Novels – Samantha Jacober
1217.44 |
Full amount |
Yes |
21. CSA Overtime – Neil Pinnock
1,965.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
22. MOYA Pep Rally – Emily Martilotta
600.00 |
Full amount |
Yes |
23. Gold Account to Formative.com – Pebble Johnson
7200.00 |
Not approved as county vendor |
No |
8:44 am Informational Item: Fulton County Committee Update – Herrick
This item was removed from discussion at this SGC meeting as per the voting of the agenda.
8:44 am Informational Item: Principal’s Update – Pinnock
The Color Battle Fundraiser will take place today in the field for all students that have raised $30 or more.
The Professional and Teacher of the Month were announced and will be given gift cards courtesy of PTO.
The soccer team has only lost one game, they have a rematch today.
Volleyball and tennis practice have begun.
It is the start of a new quarter today.
8:46 am Informational Item: Northview Cluster Meeting – Pinnock
Every year, the Northview cluster schools get together to discuss items that affect our area. Mr. Pinnock is asking for a parent volunteer to join him in this year’s discussion on November 5th from 9-10 AM. Mr. Herrick volunteered. It was suggested that Ms. Sarah Roberson attend in his place if he unable to attend.
8:48 am Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda - Palermo
We would like to discuss an update on the charter dollars applications, Ms. Schoessler will provide an update from the cross council meeting, and a principal’s update
8:52 am Meeting Adjournment - Palermo
Ms. Palermo adjourned the meeting at 8:52 am.
November 2024
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:30am |
Call to Order |
Ms. Palermo |
7:31am |
Action Item: Approve November Agenda |
Ms. Palermo |
7:33am 7:35am |
Action Item: Approve October Meeting Minutes Information Item: SGC Website Audit Form Overview |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
7:40am |
Action Item: Approve Charter Fund Dollar Applications |
Ms. Palermo |
8:05am |
Informational Item: Update on Approved Charter funds applications |
Ms. Palermo |
8:10am |
Informational Item: Superintendent’s Meeting/Northview Cluster Update |
Mr. Herrick
8:15am 8:20am |
Informational Item: Cross Council Update Informational Item: FY25 Budget: $5,000 PBIS Budget Allocation |
Ms. Schoessler Mr. Pinnock
8:20am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update
Mr. Pinnock |
8:30am 8:40am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda for Dec. 18th Meeting Adjournment |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
SGC Action Summary River Trail Middle School
Date: 11/21/24
Time: 7:30am
Location: CCR
SGC Members: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Schoessler, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Patel
Not in Attendance: Ms. Monroe, Ms Wang, Ms. Shao
Action Items Approved: approve agenda, approve minutes, approve charter fund dollar applications
Discussion Items: draft next meeting agenda Information Items: SGC website audit overview, update on charter fund applications, superintendent’s/Northview cluster meetings update, cross council update, principal’s update
November 21, 2024 SGC Meeting
7:30 AM in the CCR
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Parham, Mr. Herrick, Ms. Schoessler, Mr. Pinnock, Mr. Patel
SGC members not in attendance: Ms. Wang, Ms. Shao, Ms. Monroe
7:34 am Call to Order - Palermo
Ms. Palermo called the meeting to order at 7:34 AM.
7:34 am Action Item: Approve November Agenda - Palermo
Mr. Herrick motioned to approve the November agenda, Ms. Hernandez seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
7:34 am Action Item: Approve October Meeting Minutes - Palermo
Ms. Schoessler motioned to approve the October Meeting Minutes, Mr. Parham seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
7:35 am Information Item: SGC Website Audit Form Overview - Palermo
We needed to update the SGC website to reflect our new position titles. As of today, we are in compliance with the expectations.
7:42 am Action Item: Approve Charter Dollar Funds – Palermo
We have two new charter dollar applications.
One is for a 3D printer for 6th grade science – they plan to use it for 3D modeling to show different things related to their content. Mr. Parham motioned to approve, Ms. Herrick seconded. The application was approved.
Two is for the recycling club to get off the ground with Ms. Rodriguez. The funds will cover paper pickup for recycling. Ms. Hernandez motioned to approve, Mr. Herrick seconded. The application was approved.
7:46am Informational Item: Update on Approved Charter Funds Applications – Palermo
All those that were approved were very appreciative. We are only waiting on the author visit application to be funded – but that is for spring semester. Potentially, we will continue with the branding project if charter funds allow it.
7:49 am Informational Item: Superintendent’s Meeting/Northview Cluster Update – Herrick
There was quite a few questions regarding COSA – Change of School Assignment. The list of schools below of 95% enrollment will be out on December 9th. Parents can potentially enroll their student in an out of district school if the school is below a 95% rate. Ms. McCabe mentioned at the community meeting that we are 8,000 below enrollment as a district than last year – it seems that the birth rates around the country are down. We will know more on December 9th.
The majority of the cluster meeting was about community from elementary schools to middle school, to high school. They wanted to feel connected to the high school because they will all end up at the high school eventually if staying in the Northview Cluster. There was nothing decided besides a Gladiator game where all schools can have a spirit night to mingle and get involved with all of the schools.
7:59 am Informational Item: Cross Council Update - Schoessler
The majority of the meeting was reviewing what an SGC does. They wanted to make a common language with assessments and strategic plan. They spent a bit of time working with other community members and schools.
8:01 am Informational Item: FY25 Budget: $5,000 PBIS Budget Allocation – Pinnock
The school was supposed to set aside 5,000 for the PBIS Budget Allocation. However, since we had a fundraiser, the money will last them 3-5 years. We are going to talk about
8:03 am Information Item: Principal’s Update - Pinnock
We are officially a PBIS Operational School. We want to be a Distinguished School.
We are a department of Education distinguished literacy school.
Volleyball season – Boys went undefeated. Girls had a fantastic season.
Basketball season is starting soon.
Dr. Kidd has been publishing his insights from a book and has been doing great!
8:05 Discussion item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda for December 18th – Palermo
- Superintendent Update
- PBIS Budget Allocation
- Principal’s Update
8:07 am Meeting Adjournment - Palermo
Ms. Palermo adjourned the meeting at 8:07.
December 2024
Date | time 12/18/2024 | 7:30am | Location Counseling Conference Room (CCR)
SGC Members
Ms. Kelly Monroe, Appointed Staff | Mr. Sunny Patel, Community Member | Ms. Yingchun Wang, Parent | Ms. Yangqian Shao, Parent | Ms. Grace Hernandez, Teacher |Mr. Neil Pinnock, Principal | | Mr. Brett Herrick, Parent | Ms. Alexander Schoessler, Teacher | Ms. Amy Palermo, Appointed Staff | Mr. Kirk Parham, Community Member
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:30am |
Call to Order |
Ms. Palermo |
7:31am |
Action Item: Approve December Agenda |
Ms. Palermo |
7:33am 7:35am |
Action Item: Approve November Meeting Minutes Action Item: FY25 Budget: $5,000 PBIS Budget Allocation |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Pinnock |
7:40am |
Discussion Item: Strategic Monitoring |
Ms. Godbole |
7:50am |
Public Comment |
Public |
8:00am |
Informational Item: Update on Charter Fund Dollar Approved Applications |
Ms. Palermo |
8:10am |
Action Item: Approve Charter Fund Dollar Applications |
Ms. Palermo |
8:20am |
Informational Item: Superintendent’s Meeting/Calendar Committee Update |
Mr. Herrick
8:25am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update
Mr. Pinnock |
8:35am 8:40am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda for January 15th Meeting Adjournment |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
Date: 12/18/24 Time: 7:30am Location: CCR
SGC Action Summary River Trail Middle School
SGC Members: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Schoessler (via phone), Ms. Shao, Ms. Monroe, Ms. Godbole (guest)
Not in Attendance: Mr. Herrick, Mr. Parham, Ms. Wang, Mr. Patel
Action Items Approved: approve agenda, approve minutes, approve charter fund dollar applications, approve FY25 PBIS Budget Allocation
Discussion Items: strategic monitoring, draft next meeting agenda
Information Items: update on charter fund applications, superintendent’s/calendar committee meetings update, principal’s update
December 18, 2024 SGC Meeting
7:30 AM in the CCR
The meeting was called to order at 7:52 am with the following members present: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Shao, Ms. Palermo, Ms. Monroe, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Godbole (guest), Ms. Schoessler (joining via phone)
SGC members not in attendance: Mr. Herrick, Mr. Patel, Ms. Wang. Mr. Parham
7:52 am Call to Order - Palermo
Ms. Palermo called the meeting to order at 7:34 AM.
7:53 am Action Item: Approve December Agenda - Palermo
Ms. Hernandez motioned to approve the December agenda, Ms. Monroe seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.
7:54 am Action Item: Approve November Meeting Minutes - Palermo
Ms. Wang motioned to approve the November Meeting Minutes, Ms. Hernandez seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
7:54 am Action Item: FY25 Budget: $5,000 PBIS Budget Allocation - Pinnock
Mr. Pinnock stated that we had $5000 allocated for PBIS. Since we had a very successful fundraiser, we no longer need the $5000 to be allocated in our budget for PBIS. Therefore, Mr. Pinnock is asking that we re-allocate that money to our overall school budget for teacher supplies.
All members in attendance approved this budget allocation. The money will be moved back to the school budget.
7:55 am Discussion Item: Strategic Monitoring – Godbole
GOAL 1: We are at the end of the first semester. We are looking at the data that we have for our strategic monitoring – iReady, unit assessments, and teacher created vocabulary scores. 230 students took the teacher created vocabulary test, 226 mastered and 4 did not.
Projected, iReady shows that we have lowered the amount of students that are potentially going to score level 1-2 on Milestones for 6th grade. 7th grade stayed about the same and 8th grade went up. Radhika mentioned that we will do a data dig when we return to school.
GOAL 2: We have reduced our number of office referrals as compared to last year.
GOAL 3: We are trending downward on SEC students that are projected to score on levels 1-2 on Milestones.
GOAL 4: We had several teachers use the gift of time to help relieve some teacher stress. We will attempt another gift of time next semester.
GOAL 5: 21 teachers have utilized SGC funds thus far this year.
GOAL 6: We are at 4% (45 out of 1115) of our students that have missed 10% of school. We are staying at our goal.
The next steps are to share the data with the teachers, share discipline and attendance data with leadership, redeliver PBIS lessons, and plan for release time in the spring for teachers for planning and collaboration.
8:09 am Public Comment – Public
No member of the public was present for comment.
8:09 am Informational Item: Update on Approved Charter Funds Applications – Palermo
The 3D printer that was approved through SGC funds has been put on hold. The county did not approve the vendor of the printer. The vendor the county wants the teacher to use has one printer for the price of two with the other vendor. The teacher is working with the vendor and the county to come to a solution.
8:10 am Action Item: Approve Charter Fund Dollar Applications - Palermo
$5,593 remains in the SGC budget.
We have 4 applications.
1. Nationals for Academic Team ($1600) Unanimously approved.
2. Whiteboard Table ($342) 4 approved, 1 disapproved – the motion still passed.
3. WOW Wall through Alpha Graphics ($5643)
4. T-Shirts for Savannah ($1500) Unanimously approved.
The remaining balance will be allocated to the WOW Wall. Ms. Palermo will work with Ms. Roberson to see which part of the wall we can get done.
8:26 am Informational Item: Superintendent’s Meeting/Calendar Committee Update - Herrick
See attached.
8:29 am Information Item: Principal’s Update - Pinnock
Last week, COSA schools were released. River Trail is not on the list.
Our band is in Chicago for the Midfest Clinic – a national performance. We are very excited for them!
Our academic bowl won the district championship.
Our student has made art for the holiday card. Dr. Looney will be here later today to award that student their prize.
Our CCRPI scores came out, we did very well.
SGA is having a dance for other grade levels to make sure that all grade levels participate.
8:31 Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda for January 15th – Palermo
Overview of SGC applications.
McCabe will be attending out next SGC meeting.
Principal’s update
8:33 am Meeting Adjournment - Palermo
Ms. Palermo adjourned the meeting at 8:33.
Upcoming Meetings: 1/15, 2/19, 3/26, 4/16*, 5/14, 6/11
January 2025
Time |
Item |
Owner |
7:30am |
Call to Order |
Ms. Palermo |
7:31am |
Action Item: Approve January Agenda |
Ms. Palermo |
7:33am 7:35am |
Action Item: Approve December Meeting Minutes Informational Item: Review meeting norms |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
7:38am |
Informational Item: Ms. Linda McCabe, School Board Representative for the RTMS Community |
Ms. Palermo |
7:40am 7:47am |
Informational Item: Update on Charter Fund Dollar Approved Applications Discussion Item: Planning for Parent/Teacher SGC Elections (1 Parent, 1 Teacher) – Outreach Committee |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
7:50am |
Discussion Item: Planning for Annual Budget Approval |
Ms. Palermo |
7:53am |
Informational Item: Superintendent’s Meeting/Calendar Committee Update |
Mr. Herrick |
7:57am |
Informational Item: Principal’s Update |
Mr. Crotsley |
8:05am 8:08am |
Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting Agenda for February 26th Meeting Adjournment |
Ms. Palermo Ms. Palermo |
SGC Action Summary
River Trail Middle School
Date: 1/15/25
Time: 7:30am
Location: CCR
SGC Members: Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Palermo, Mr. Crotsley, Ms. Schoessler, Ms. Shao, Ms. Monroe, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Parham
Not in Attendance: Mr. Patel, Mr. Pinnock, Ms. Wang
Action Items Approved: approve agenda, approve minutes
Discussion Items: outreach committee planning for SGC elections, planning for annual budget, draft next meeting agenda
Information Items: update on charter fund applications, cluster basketball event, principal’s update